Welcome to my academic webpage. I am currently a researcher at the Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University. I work on a variety of topics related to general relativity. Here's my cv.

My email address is: justin.c.feng[at]outlook.com.


The Poor Man's Introduction to Tensors - These are my notes on the tensor formalism for multivariable calculus. The notes serve as an introduction accessible to those with a basic knowledge of linear algebra and vector calculus. For those who wish to read these notes on a mobile device, here is the two column version.

Codes and Mathematica files

squirrel.jl - This is a Curved Spacetime Relativistic Location tool for use in relativistic positioning systems.

cereal.jl - This is a Special Relativistic Location tool for use in relativistic positioning systems.

PoMiN - This is a Post-Minkowskian N-Body code, written in C, which includes General Relativistic effects up to first order in Newton's constant G, and all orders in the speed of light c.

mathematica-files - This repository contains mathematica files for my research articles.

Last modified 2024-04-11